I just got “divorced” from my M9 & I've started a “romance” with a Leica M~240.
Whilst Black & White was and always will be my passion this temptress is wooing me big time.
I've always thought of my Leica cameras and lenses as female and now is not the time or place to delve deeper into that...... The only exception being my Monochrom who is “ Henri”. It is said that when the guys at Leica were creating this magical camera the project was called “Henri”, in honour of Henri Cartier-Bresson.
I once saw the blues master BB King sometime in the '70's at either the Flamingo or the Marquee club in London, I can't remember which. In the middle of a song just prior to launching into a guitar solo he said “I'm going to play Lucille now”.
I can't remember when or precisely where this happened but I will remember the moment forever.
So my M~240 is now Lucille. I'll be out and about with the two cameras, both probably loaded with Cron 35mm f2's and I'll decide to go colour and I'll say to myself, hopefully not out loud, “I'm going to play Lucille now” and I'll smile...... Photography you have got to love it.....
This set was taken in SoCal, aka Southern California, during late October, early November'13.
Slide show music: I was uploading the very last photo in this set and Son Of Dave's “So Good So Wrong” came to mind......