The "Windy City". Well it's called that because of a bunch of politicians not for the weather but I have to say whenever I visit Chicago the weather is "hostile". This visit, at the end of May, it was cold and showery for the first three of the four day visit. And the last day it was very very hot.... Anyway all the above will not stop me slowly but surely falling for the city.
I was forced to seek shelter in the odd gallery & museum as you will see in the photos shown here but I did also visit a couple of blues bars too. So all in all a great visit and I'll be back for sure.
Slideshow Music:
2120 South Michigan Avenue by The Rolling Stones.
OK I accept the Stones are not a Chicago band but the track was recorded in Chicago at the address in the title. This was the studio of Chess Records. It was recorded in 1964 and this is the long version.